African lions are the largest predators in Africa. They belong to the cat family and is the largest of the group. Your body is about 1.4 to 2 meters, with a tail length 67-100 cm. They are mammals that live in groups called herds and are the only cats that show sexual dimorphism, males and females are easily recognizable by their appearance and behavior.

Each animal must be physically fit and behavioral survive in a particular environment. African lions have struggled for years to develop adaptations that helped them survive in the long term. African Lion adaptations can be divided into two categories: physical and behavioral. Structural changes in the fall in the category of physical body, while reactions animal in response to external stimuli, a fall in the category of behavior. So let's look at the adaptations of these African wild cats have evolved to live in the savanna.
Physical adaptations
Sharp claws
Chlorine big and strong is one of the best adaptations of African lions. They use their sharp claws to kill prey and rip flesh from the body of the dam after it was killed. The claws are also used for defense and to show their strength and power of other animals. This also helps to keep predators and competitors. Chlorine also provides the necessary grip for lions, so that you can get off during execution.
Sharp teeth
Adaptation is more visible and striking sharp teeth. Like other predators are lions also meat to satisfy their nutritional needs. Blunt teeth can not provide the grip to start and chew meat, so lions have sharp teeth so they have no problems eating. Another use of sharp teeth is defense. In the case of a fight, teeth help them to defend and survive.
These lions will help you feel. Morris serves as antennas and allows the animal to perceive the surrounding environment, and find your way through narrow gaps. When a lion chasing these whiskers help them detect prey. This will also help detect if you can fit in a certain area or not.
Skin tan
African lions are light brown hair on their bodies. Skin color is an adaptation to meet certain requirements. The tan will help match the color of the environment that prevents it from being attacked by predators and competitors and also helps to sneak through a pond. If the hair was different, so it would be difficult for the Lions to survive attacks and to find food for themselves.
Behavioral adaptations
Behavior is an adaptation of these lions have been developed to communicate within your group. Lions hum when happy and make a snort as they approach each other with good intentions. Growl is a well done keeping in touch when they move from one place to another. Finally comes the sound, everyone is well aware. The roar of women to protect their young from other animals or when other women call to defend the intruder. Men surface indicate its location, to show their strength, and point to other animals to stay away from pride.
Night hunting
This type of lions are nocturnal and prefer to hunt in the dark of night. They often chase food in groups and women doing all hunting. The strength of the group is generally determined by the amount of food is pride. Another reason for hunting at night is that lions get tired very quickly because of his muscular body. That's why we spend almost 20 hours a day of rest. Hunting at night provides relief from the heat during the day.
Family life
A pride of many mothers who give birth to their young. The mothers care for their young and keep them hidden from the other animals in about eight weeks, because they can not take care of themselves. Nursing mothers form groups, and take care of other puppies in the absence of the mother. Mothers who give birth to a single pup puppies nurse someone easily produce enough milk to feed them. In difficult situations, when pride is not enough food, mothers leave their children and go on. This is done so that women are still the pride and can still feed the little moments where pride has enough food for all their members.
Take lessons
Like humans, these lions teach their kids how to live and survive. The moment a child is three months old, the mother who teaches to look for food. The puppy is young adults, families and learning to try and hunt down their prey. When the child is one year, beginning of the game, although it does not have any experience. Kids become expert in hunting until they are 2-3 years old. When the puppies are 2 years of age, male offspring had to leave to find a new pride and pride in themselves. Women may stay in the group to have their own kids in the future.
African Lion facts show that the population declined by 30% due to the murder. Expected to decline further due to extreme climate where the species has not yet adapted. However, the above adjustments helped to combat difficult situations in the past and survive in the savanna country
need to wight peregraf of adaptiones abute liones and i aredy have all the fisical adaptiones that you mentioned